

Sweet Day

The weather has been back to its balmy mid-60's.  The kind where blue skies reign and sunshine pours down.  No jackets by mid-morning kind of days.

Miss Clementine met up with a few playmates at a park for play time and a picnic.  Then we headed over to shop at an old-fashioned candy store.

The littles had so much fun filling their baggies with all kinds of bulk candy.  The smell of popcorn  and home made fudge filled the air.  Goodness!

We also popped in at Emporium Pies for mom-sized treats.

Aren't the carry-out desserts wrapped up so sweetly?!

I brought home a piece of Snowball for myself :: creamy coconut custard topped with crunchy toasted coconut.

For David, I brought a piece of Melted Snowman :: cookies and cream custard in a chocolate cookie crust.

Hoping your winter days are finding you all healthy with a bit of sweetness on the side!


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