

New Year, New Changes - Daybook Post

Outside my window ~

On the Feast of the Epiphany, David led our family in a house blessing.  This isn't just a Catholic practice either; many denominations practice this.  It is so beautiful!

The family gathers to ask God’s blessing on their home and on those who live in or visit the home. It is an invitation for Jesus to be a daily guest in our home, our comings and goings, our conversations, our work and play, our joys and sorrows.
A traditional way of doing this is to use chalk to write above the home’s entrance, 20 + C + M + B + 16. The letters C, M, B have two meanings. They are the initials of the traditional names of the three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They also abbreviate the Latin words Christus mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs represent the cross and 2016 is the year.
I am thankful for ~
Christmas break with Sarah home!!  I took her back to school last Saturday and helped her get all settled in.  She loves it there and is really in her element.  
(Photo credit: Sarah)
I hadn't said much, but she had a rough first quarter.  Room mate issues.  Nightmare room mate issues.  Sarah moved herself out by mid-October due to the problems that came up.  The former room mate really needs prayers.  Her lifestyle included every form of horrible decision-making that parents have night mares over.  I feel sorry for her because it all began with her home life.  
At any rate, Sarah ended up using the gifts that God blessed her with and received a 4.0 her first semester!!  
From the school room ~
The biggest change of all is that this semester finds our guy, Stan the man, in the public school system.    
Stan just needs me to be "Mom".  It's been coming for a couple of years, and I've been praying and hoping things would get better.  They didn't.  Back in October, we made the decision that he would enter public school at the new semester (there are no local Catholic schools around).  
Almost 1300 students in this one middle school. (I about died when I heard that from the registrar.) I was brought back to life when they showed us that 6th graders have their own wing and lunch hour, and the same goes for the 7th graders and 8th graders.  Can you imagine?? 
The first three days we drove him to school and picked him up after as we waited for the system to catch up and assign him to a bus.  (Don't even get me started about the bus.)
This was my view (car line) and it feels so surreal.

He will either end up loving it or hating it - no in between.  So far, he really likes it.  I'm giving him a two week adjustment period before I can get a good reading on the entire situation.
Stan has been seeing Ms. D (his AMAZING counselor) for some time.  She's helped us all out so much.  We love her!
Today was his first bus ride.  Please keep my little guy in your prayers for a peaceful transition. 
From the kitchen ~
My little baker made these Abigail's Biscuit Poppers ::

She (and her friend) made these little cupcakes for the Little Flowers lesson I had to teach last week (the virtue was generosity, the saint was St. Katharine Drexel, and the flower was the daisy) ::

What I am reading ~
My oldest sister told me about this challenge - reading the Bible and the Catechism in one year.
It sounded rather intimidating at first, but once I looked at the program (through the Coming Home Network), I knew I would accept the challenge.  It's making a lovely change to my daily routine.  :)
And Jack Frost arrived after Christmas! He makes a cute edition to all the winter books in our winter books bin.

Around the house ~
I'm taking part in another saint peg doll exchange and can hardly wait to see all the finished saints!
I painted St. Maria Goretti (my Confirmation saint).

There's 21 ladies involved again, and we will meet early in February for a brunch and exchange.
My husband recently converted the wood burning fireplace to a gas log fireplace.  Now I can start the fire without worrying if I will blow the place up!!

I am praying for ~

* an end to abortion.  (March for Life is coming up next weekend.  Two of my teens will be marching in Dallas.)

* a very special intention on my heart, something I need to handle and am seriously struggling with what to do.

* for Stan's transition into public school

* students everywhere as they begin the second semester

I am listening to ~

The wind hollowing outside as a cold front moves in

Coming down the pike this week ~

Thursday - ice skating lessons start up for Miss Mabel and Clementine.  They'll have 9 weeks of lessons.

Friday - Field trip for Miss Clementine

Saturday - There is a basketball game for Stan who is in Upward Sports again this year.

A last photo to share ~

I just LOVE the new tea kettle that Miss Ester gave me for Christmas!!

Wishing you all a warm cozy rest of your week!


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