

~ Advent 2017 ~ Catholic Sistas Photo Challenge

*St. Anne and Mary as an infant* Today is the holy day of the Immaculate Conception; Mary conceived without sin. How can this be if Jesus saved all from sin? Jesus is God's son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity. He took his human flesh from Mary. Jesus was not a kind of squeaky clean super man who sort of slid through Mary's body as if it were a conduit into this world. Jesus took his flesh from his mother. If he took her human flesh it had to be free from any taint of original sin otherwise he would also share in that sin and would not be the perfect son of God. Therefore we believe that God preserved Mary from any taint of original sin. God saved Mary at the beginning of her life and if life begins at conception, then it began when she was conceived (by natural processes between her mother and father)." ~Fr. Dwight Longenecker.  

Catholic Sistas Advent Photo Challenge Link-up ~ Day 6 : #holyday #CSAdvent

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