

Advent 2017 ~ Catholic Sistas Photo Challenge (Days 14-17)

Day 14 : TBT Childhood Christmas photo - I live too far from my childhood home to search for a picture (even though my memory is overflowing with images of Christmas past), so I chose one from 2001, the year we spent Christmas in Cancun.  It was filled with peace and tranquility.  #TBTchildhoodChristmasphoto

Day 15 : Reflect - May sister, Mary, sent Advent Christmas Reflections to me this year.  It's made a beautiful addition to #reflect on this Advent.  #reflect

Day 16 : Tradition - One Advent #tradition of mine has been to buy Winter Wonderland scented candle (by Village Candle) for almost 25 years.  You can now find the collection on Amazon.  That's a good thing because this is last year's and I need a new one!  #tradition

Day 17 : Rose - #rose velour, Christmas dress for Miss Clementine.  I LOVE little girls in dresses!

~ 2017 Catholic Sistas Advent Photo Challenge Link-up ~ #CSAdvent 

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