

Advent 2017 ~ Catholic Sistas Photo Challenge (Days 18-23)

Day 18 : Nativity -  It's hard to keep little ones focused on the holy aspect of Christmas, the birth of our Savior, but #nativity sets for little hands make it more tangible.

Day 19 : Tree - Every ornament on the #tree has a story.  Each year, I'm reminded of how quickly time is passing.

Day 20 : Love - I #love having all my elves home under one roof!  They've been busy hanging out together baking, visiting friends, or going places for the past week.  (gingerbread, compliments of Miss Mabel)

Day 21 : Promise - missed this day

Day 22 : Abstain - Cheese pizza tonight because it is Friday and I try to #abstain from meat outside of Lent.  Kind of hit or miss around here. ;)

Day 23 : movie - It's been a Christmas #movie marathon at our house (since before Thanksgiving ;)

~ 2017 Catholic Sistas Advent Photo Challenge Link Up ~ #CSAdvent 

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