

Camping Gear I LOVE

I tried out a few new things on our camping trip to the seashore in April.

Since I was so pleased with them, I'm going to write a couple of posts about theses new-to-me  products in case there are other sports enthusiasts or camping folks out there.


When we first started camping with all the kids, I had a towel and washcloth for each.

A LOT of space was taken up.  Too much space.

I switched to these, Wise Owl Microfiber Towels ::

Super soft, extra absorbent, fast drying (all important when camping)!

These towels come in 2 sizes, large and extra large.  The large is plenty big.

They can pack down to a 5"x7" (for the large), which is perfect for any fitness activity!

A washcloth is also included, but I don't personally care for the washcloth that comes with it.  I'm not sure if it is actually cleaning my skin??  It feels as though it is sliding over my skin.

(These two are for Miss Clementine and myself.)

These are the large, 24"x48".

They come in different colors so everyone can have their own.


In the past, using a nylon cord and packing a bunch of clothesline clips was such a pain in the bum.

No more.

I purchased this iTowe camping clothesline ::

It is so perfect for camping because it is versatile and has a compact storage bag.  The best part is that I can hang the line because of the elastic cord and end hooks.

*I am not being reimbursed for any advertisement here.*

Camping Gear I Love (Part 2)

Do you have any favorite or must-have items for camping?  Please share!


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