Outside my window ~We did a little yard work early Friday morning to beat the heat.
And before a nasty storm blew in (from nowhere)
David and Miss Ester went up to the Red River to fish once the storm passed.
Catch and release!
I am thankful for ~(Always) grateful for my husband's wood working skills.
Before ::On Saturday, he replaced the corner trim on the shed (he built 9 years ago).
The Texas sun is b.r.u.t.a.l.
Afresh coat of paint was needed as well.
After ::
The shed door still needs a coat of paint, but that is for another weekend.
From the school room ~The end of the school year came in waves this year with
Sarah finishing and arriving home the first week of May.
Miss Clementine finished the second week and we celebrated with a new fish,
Miss Ester and Miss Mabel finished up the third week of May.
Stan the man went out with a bang. Last Wednesday, the poor boy ended up needing emergency surgery in the middle of the night. Needless to say, he missed the last three days of school. He is doing better each day, but the stir-craziness is setting in.
From the kitchen ~A new recipe (mini egg frittata) that I'll post this week. Yum!
What I am reading ~I finished this last week and wow! wow! wow! If you are a high school student, college student, young adult, or parent, you
need to read this. I wish it had been available when I was in high school. I like to believe I would have avoided so MANY mistakes. However, it is a double-edge sword because those mistakes are helping me guide my own children.
Around our house ~Pretending that the water squirting out are laser beams ;)
Sarah and I took Miss Clementine to her first baseball (minors) game.
Frisco's Rough Riders are the minors for Texas Rangers. It is a wonderful family-friendly organization.
There's actually a lazy river out in right field where adults can float and watch the game. I wanna try that next time! Ha ha!
That night was Friday night fireworks!
I am praying for ~* All those who have asked me to pray for them
* Stan the Man's continued recovery
Coming down the pike ~We are working on our summer bucket list. Everyone has a few things they want to add or are thinking about adding. I just need to piece it all together!
A last photo to share ~David and Stan had their annual canoe trip last weekend. They canoed 12 miles to an island (through an outfitter). They had terrible headwinds the entire way, and it stormed in the middle of the night. Yikes!
(Photo credit goes to one of the dads in Troops of St. George.)
But they came out a bit tougher then what they went in.
What is the saying? What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Final thoughts are on what Memorial Day is about.
(Google photo credit)
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first Memorial Day.
Prayers for the souls of the faithful departed.
Prayers for the families who will always mourn their loss.