

Thanksgiving Week 2017 - Daybook Post

Outside my window ~

Compliments of Miss Ester and Mabel.  They put these up the day after Thanksgiving.  We will finish decorate this coming weekend.  For now,  I'm savoring the last of November. :)

I am thankful for ~

 ~ our Thanksgiving week!!

Monday and Tuesday - the kids worked on school.

Tuesday, Miss Clementine and I drove down to pick Sarah up from school.

Wednesday brought Sarah, Miss Clementine, and I to see Ice! Gaylord Texan Lone Star Christmas.

2 million pounds of ice.

9 degrees F inside.  Brrr....

This year's theme was 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'.

The last time we took we bought tickets for Ice! was back in December of 2009!

They were SO little and SO cute!!

Time is passing too quickly.

From the school room ~

Sarah caught a ride back to school with a friend from the DFW area.  I was grateful for that and was even more grateful when she told me they made it safe and sound.  (Thanksgiving traffic in I35 in Texas is a nightmare.)

The other kids started back to school today.  It is so hard after a holiday, isn't it?

From the kitchen ~

It was a FEAST!

We invited some friends over for dessert / coffee/ wine on Thanksgiving night.

Everyone brought something.  Total vein-clogging goodness!

And I made this for lunch the next day (in hopes of off-setting that pumpkin pie breakfast).  Ha ha!

What I am reading ~

Nothing.  I finished up my Christmas shopping challenge and am now preparing for some Advent reading.  I think I'm going to use one of the books I already have.

Maybe this one ::

Or this one ::

Around the house ~

Black Friday morning found my oldest three girls heading out for breakfast together.  My mama heart loved seeing that!

Saturday night, David had a guys night at our house (21 dudes were over).  So the girls and I went to confession, Mass, out to eat, and then hit the "Home for the Holidays" in our historic downtown.

We had SO much fun!!!  The weather was gorgeous (balmy, low 70's), the atmosphere was magical, and we really enjoyed our time together. :)

I am praying for ~

* all of students who are preparing for finals

* the souls in purgatory

I am listening to ~

Miss Clementine watch a Christmas movie on David's laptop.

Coming down the pike this week ~

Monday - my mother's 76 birthday!

Monday - Troops of St. George (TSG) meeting

Wednesday - Miss Clementine is going to help her little friend celebrate a birthday!

Friday - Little Flowers Christmas cookie exchange (Yummy)!!

Friday - Sunday - TSG camp out

Saturday - Decorate for Christmas

A last photo to share ~

Last night, David and I were invited out to a comedy club to help celebrate two friends turning 50.  Here's a photo from the memorable evening :)

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving week with your families and friends.  May this next week be as peaceful as possible for you all as you prepare for Advent season to begin.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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