

Camping Trip to the Piney Woods Region of TX

This was our homeschool for a couple of days this week.

We drove over to the Piney Woods region of TX,  and it did not disappoint!

On the way, we stopped off at Sulpher Springs, TX to see America's only see-thru public bathroom!

Call me crazy, but I saw this on a travel Texas video and thought if I was ever in the area, I would definitely stop to check it out.  Ha ha!

Here's inside the bathroom looking out.

Daddy was peaking in.  That silly man ;)

It's definitely a room with a view!

Just one of those random, check it out, kind of things to do.

Back on the road, we eventually pulled into the state park that (unbeknown to us), is known for some Big Foot sightings.  (Not sure if they were serious or not?!)

Our campsite was breathtaking!

We explored, fished, and even did school work (this is how we school on the road).  After a taco dinner, we headed back to the fishing pier to catch the super pink sunset :)

Day 2 consisted of egg & sausage breakfast followed by kayaking, fishing, exploring, and just be-ing!

We were only gone about 48 hours this time, but it was a peace-filled 48 hours.  I'm so grateful for the peace and quiet :)


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