

Camping Gear I Love (Part 2)

Since we head out to camp so often, finding things that make the experience run smooth is really important.

This dishpan (made for RV's or boats) has  personally been one of my favorite additions.  It holds service ware for up to six.  That's plates, bowls, cups, and silverware.

I line it up to my camper sink and the water drains right into the sink from the little dishpan underneath.  I don't have to waste numerous towels to lie the dishes on after rinsing.

It stores easily in my microwave when it isn't being used.  And gosh!  I'm really impressed with how sturdy it is made, not flimsy at all.

The Camco mini dish drainer and rack is just under $9 on Amazon.

The next item is one we just used for the first time on our latest camping trip.  It is an outdoor (collapsible) trash can.

It holds a 13 gallon kitchen trash bag inside.  Check out the clips!  The clips will hold the bag in place.  I zip it up during the day to keep any ants out.  At night, we always throw the trash into the trash receptors so raccoons don't get into it.

My husband really liked having this.  Some camp grounds have trash poles that you hang your bag on, high off the ground.  Not all parks do.  We learned that in August when we were at Jamaica Beach camping.

There are many different brands on Amazon, and many are made out of different material.  I liked this heavy-duty material.  I bought the deluxe size here for $15.  Since it collapses, I can easily store it on the side of my camper refrigerator until the next trip.

Money well spent on both items :)

Happy camping!

Camping Gear I Love (Part 1)

*I am not receiving any endorsement fees for sharing.  I just like to share a good thing when I find it.*

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