

What's for Sunday Dinner?


I canNOT recall the last time I wrote one of my Sunday Dinner posts without having to look it up on my blog. After driving Sarah back to school yesterday (she was home for a doctor's appointment on a 4-day weekend), I made sure to have a crock pot meal ready to go in order to keep things easy on everybody, and as I was eating my dinner last evening, that's when it hit me.  I need to blog about food again.

I used this simple Crock Pot Beef Stew meal.  It'll probably be the last time I use it until the fall.

I tend to go with the McCormick Crock Pot beef stew mix and add some carrots and potatoes to it.  So good!

For dessert, I had Miss Mabel make a Strawberry and Cream Cake for dessert.

And after I post this picture, I realize I forgot to make and add the strawberries to it! Ha!  (It still tasted good though.)

So grateful for food, let alone delicious food. 

God is good!


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