

What's for Sunday Dinner?

It's currently sunny and 82 degrees out.  Just gorgeous!

I sat and watched David plant his garden while the dinner was cooking in the crock pot.  I love crock pot recipes!  Sunday afternoon is for rest and relaxing, and I am all for that.

Today's Sunday dinner consisted of a Greek salad ::

There was Crock Pot Turkey & Stuffing Sandwiches for the main entree ::

And for dessert, Miss Ester and Clementine whipped up some yummy Hello Dolly Bars ::

Easy.  Delicious.  Satisfying. 

As the weather continues to warm and days grow longer (I love this time of year), our Sunday dinner will grow less time-consuming.  The older I age, the more I realize that it is all about collecting memories (and I cannot do that while in the kitchen all day).  Bon Appetit!

Hoping your Sunday is a blessed one!


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