

Perot Museum Field Trip (Post Ortho Visit)

Stan the man had an orthodontic appointment in Dallas last week.  It was one of those quick, in-and-out visits.  So we decided to make the most of our drive into the city and visit the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.

Just the two of us :)  

Having a nifty coupon to get us in made the visit even more fun!

We took in the exhibit, Maya : Hidden Worlds Revealed!

And he had a blast programming and playing with the robots.

After a little splashing around outside, we decided to hit the road for home, hoping to get a jump start on the rush hour traffic.

This was another spontaneous bucket filler for our summer.  We are actually heading back into the city to see his ortho again tomorrow with more fun things planned for afterward.  I love spending the one-on-one with this kiddo!

~   Patty  ~

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