

October Fall - Daybook Post

Outside my window ~

This is the "pine cone" to a Bald Cypress tree.  It's the closest thing to the northern pine cone that we have in Texas.  Isn't it a fascinating little nugget?!

The needles of the Bald Cypress will turn red and drop.  They are gorgeous when red! 

I am thankful for ~

So many things!! 

* Cooler weather (80's during the day and then it drops to 50's at night)
* Girls weekend (when the boys are at their Troops of St. George camp outs)
* Meeting a new baby (who is also our soon-to-be godchild)
* Wine
* Coffee
* Rosary

From the school room ~

Last week we were on a fall break. 

Today, we begin quarter 2! 

In the first quarter, the big girls had read and written upon some great books. 

Miss Mabel read and had to write an analytical essay on as well as be tested on ::

Both were made into movies, so we watched them as well.  (Note:  Disney really changed the movie adaptation of The Light in the Forest.)

Miss Ester read and wrote an analytical essay on and was tested on ::

This next quarter will prove to have some great books as well! 

From the kitchen ~

Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies (recipe to come soon)

What I am reading ~

Actually!  I just started  a Christmas shopping challenge that is guaranteed to make me "Shop Till I Drop on my Knees and Pray" by Advent. 


Because I dream of being done with EVERYTHING by Advent, who doesn't it?!, I was game.

It begins six weeks before the first Sunday in Advent (yesterday) and in brief, this is the challenge ::

That's the skinny.

If you subscribe to their website, facebook page, or follow CatholicSistas on Instagram, you will get the in-depth, weekly challenge delivered to your social media. 

Y'all, it even covers meal planning - way ahead of time - including any special feast days one celebrates during Advent. 

Around the house ~

Last week, Miss Clementine and I joined a bunch of other home school friends on a really amazing field trip to the Backland Prairie and Raptor Center

Talk about a super cool way to finish studying the letter R - Raptors galore!!

I am praying for ~

* a smooth second quarter here at home

* an excellent rest of the semester for Sarah at college

* a safe, upcoming trip for myself (I fly to KC on Friday to meet up with my sisters and mom for a girls' weekend!)

* an end to abortion

I am listening to ~

my kids in the kitchen as they prepare a lunch for themselves ;)

Coming down the pike this week ~

With cross country and ice skating lessons finished now, the weeks leading up to the end of the semester "should be" easier.

Tuesday - Stan the man gets his braces on

Wednesday - My dear MIL celebrates her birthday

Thursday - Sarah turns 18!!  (She a very young, college freshman)

Friday - I leave for KC for a girls' weekend

A last photo to share ~

David sent me this image from Saturday.  They were at a Troops of St. George camp out, and the priests came out to hear confessions and celebrate Mass in the Latin form. 

I love that this is for men and sons (only), Catholic ones who are striving to grow in faith and virtues together. 

Have a wonderful and blessed week!


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What's for Sunday Dinner?

This past Sunday...

Sarah was home from college for a few days!!!    I just had to snap this photo because my heart was so full!

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Homecoming 2017

Homecoming was back on October 7.

It was Miss Mabel's FIRST homecoming!!  I cannot tell a lie.  This mama's eyes welled up with tears when I saw her because, ladies! My babies are growing up too fast!

Miss Mabel went to dinner with her best friend and then met up at the dance with a bunch of other friends.

Miss Ester (can you believe she is a junior already??) was asked to the dance by one of the nicest young men that David and I have ever met!

(Totally staged ;)

The kids had a BLAST!!  The dance was from 7-midnight, and I picked up afterward.  It was so much fun to hear these young people laughing and talking all the way home :)

(Picture credits go to 2 of the other moms.)

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Seed to Pumpkin Fun!

Oh man.  The stars and moon must have been all aligned just right because I pulled off a fantastic, last minute, holy-crap-I-have-all-the-material, lesson on pumpkins - the day before we went to the pumpkin patch.

Rock star moment (which will most likely never happy again, dude).

I pulled out a fall book bin and came across this book (which I totally forgot we had) ::

And then we read and learned how pumpkins grow.  At the end of the book there was a science project.  You know, the celery in colored water (watch the water go up the tubes??).  Low and behold, I had celery in my fridge.

So mama acted like she was all together and presented this cool science experiment ::

Rock star status.

We observed how the colored water traveled up the tubes of celery (demonstrating how roots underground bring water up to the top of the plant above ground).

The next day was our field trip to the pumpkin patch.

It was an awesome way to cap off the lesson.

And wouldn't you know it, we even found some buds that would soon turn into pumpkins.  You know, just like the pictures in the book!

Rock star.

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Big Orange Pumpkin Patch

Catching up here a bit...

Late in September, I organized a field trip for Clementine and friends to visit a local pumpkin patch.  We have been there before, but this time it was a 'field trip', you know, BIG kid business ;)

There was a petting zoo, hay maze, hay ride, pumpkin patch, and a little cafe to grab a snack afterward.  Oh!  And so many little friends to share the experience with.

(Oh my gosh, these little bitties in pre-k and Kinder are so stinkin' cute!  I love this age!)

Next field trip is coming up.  We will be going to visit a Raptor Center.  Should be interesting!

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Feast of the Guardian Angels (Books and Snack)

~ In heaven, the angels see, love, and adore God. Angels help us by praying for us, acting as messengers from God to us, and by serving us as our guardian angels. ~ (Baltimore Catechism)

The Feast of the Guardian Angels is celebrated on October 2.

When I realized the other day what day it was, I quickly pulled out these books to read aloud to Miss Clementine and the DVD for her to watch.  

Then we decided to make angel food cake (with sprinkles)  to celebrate :).

I didn't have any of it planned.  We made a quick trip to the store for a boxed mix, whip cream in a can, and frozen strawberries in juice.  Wa-la!  It was a successful feast day celebration!

I am so grateful for our Guardian Angels!

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A Nerf War Birthday Party

Our Stan the man turns 12 this Wednesday which means it is his year for a BIG birthday party!  We actually celebrated it a couple of weeks ago at a local park with a Nerf War theme for 16 tween boys. Oh my goodness!

It was a huge success :)

With that many boys (and wanting to avoid a Lord of the Flies craziness),  we supplied the Nerf guns and tons of bullets, eye protection (in case any parent was concerned), and handkerchief for the boys.

Stan used some, old pallets (two per team), and we had an ammo refill station for each team, (Team Orange and Team Blue).

After playing a few games of war, they also had Capture the Flag, hiking in the woods on the park trails, and a couple of ladders set up for target practice.

We served hot dogs, chips, and water & blue Gatorade for dinner.

We used a local bakery for the cake.

The entire party was a blast (excuse the pun)!  All the boys enjoyed themselves, (we heard a ton of positive feedback from parents).

The best part for me??  I left.  Ha!  David made a special meal for all the dads who ended up staying, so it was definitely a guys' party ;)

(PS - I got all the ideas off of Pinterest!)

Happy, happy birthday to our little man!!!  Wishing you abundant blessings throughout the year.  We love you!!

Dad & Mom

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