

Take Me Back in Time This Summer (Week 2)

This past week we filled our Spontaneity Bucket with ~

* new pajama shopping for myself.  (What a treat!)

* someone got her ears double pierced.  (Sarah's bucket list)

* spending time with another teen daughter on her lunch break

* woke up one morning and said, "Let's go to the lake for a couple of hours."

* enjoying these from our garden

* entertained by Miss Mabel as she created her Queen of Hearts costume for a mystery dinner party

* special snacks (created by Ester for co-workers)

* pie and ice cream for dinner  (What time is it??  It's summertime!)

* Swimming.  Lots and lots of swimming.

* naps after swimming

* staying up late watching movies

* early morning walks

* praying the Rosary on those morning walks

We are really enjoying filling up of summer bucket.  Beside the pool party, we have embraced the down time and spontaneity.  Looking forward to seeing what week #3 has in store for us!

Spontaneous Summer Bucket List - Week 1

Spontaneous Summer Bucket List - Week 3
~  Patty  ~

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